ROK Symposium October 2024
INPACE Symposium
October 2024
International Symposium on Digital Technologies and Policies: Supporting the Indo-Pacific-European Digital Partnerships
From 21 October 2024
to 22 October 2024
Daeyang AI Center, Sejong University,
Seoul, Republic of Korea
During the Symposium organised in Seoul, Republic of Korea, we explored the latest advancements in digital technologies and transformative applications in the Indo-Pacific Region and in Europe.
The event addressed the intersections of technology and policy, fostering dialogues between experts from both regions to strengthen Digital Partnerships with the Republic of Korea, Japan, Singapore, and the cooperation with India in the TTC context.
The Symposium provided a forum to discuss groundbreaking technologies and their impacts:
Trusted AI
Unlock the potential of AI while ensuring reliability and ethics
Chips of the Future
Discover breakthroughs in semiconductor technology
Future Networks
Explore the evolution of connectivity and communication
Delve into strategies for safeguarding our digital world
Do you want to have more insights about the event?

Japan Chair at Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy, Brussels School of Governance, Vrije Universiteit Brussels
Country: Belgium
Dr Eva Pejsova is Japan Chair at the Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy (CSDS) of the Brussels School of Governance (BSoG) and Associate Fellow at the French “Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique” (FRS). Until 2019, Dr Pejsova was Senior Analyst for Asia at the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), the EU’s official agency for foreign and security policy research and analysis. She holds a PhD in Strategic Studies from the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) in Singapore and has previously worked with the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the French Prime Minister’s Office, the OECD, and the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF). Dr Pejsova regularly lectures at SciencesPo (Paris School of International Affairs) in Paris, the Geneva Centre for Security Studies (GCSP), as well as briefs the Members of the European Parliament.

Professor at Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy, Brussels School of Governance, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Research Fellow and Team Leader for the EU Cyber Direct Project Carnegie Europe
Country: Belgium
Dr Raluca Csernatoni is a professor with the Brussels School of Governance (BSoG) and its Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy (CSDS) at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium. At the CSDS, she is also a senior researcher in the context of the EU-funded project Indo-Pacific-European Hub for Digital Partnerships: Trusted Digital Technologies for Sustainable Well-Being (INPACE). Csernatoni is currently a research fellow, working on European security and emerging technologies at Carnegie Europe in Brussels, Belgium. At Carnegie, she is a team leader and senior expert on new technologies for the EU Cyber Diplomacy Initiative – EU Cyber Direct (EUCD) project and leads Carnegie Euope’s research project on ‘The EU’s Techno-Politics of AI’ funded by the McGovern AI Grant. Since 2022, Csernatoni has joined as a visiting professor the Department of International Relations of Central European University (CEU) in Vienna, Austria. She holds a PhD in International Relations from Central European University.

Senior Researcher, Security & Technology Programme, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) / Assistant Professor, Department of Military Studies, Seokyeong University
Country: Republic of Korea
Professor Dongyoun Cho, a former Major in the Republic of Korean Army, is a senior researcher at the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Military Studies at Seokyeong University. Her expertise lies in converging security and emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence, autonomy, cyber, and quantum. With over 20 years of experience in intelligence, military strategy, defense policy, and the aerospace and defense industry, Dongyoun graduated from the Korea Military Academy and holds a master’s degree in public administration from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. She was also recognized as a World Fellow at Yale University in 2018. Additionally, she established and led the Center for Future Defense Technology and Entrepreneurship at Seokyeong University.

Research Fellow, Department of International Trade, Investment and Economic Security, Economic Security Team, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)
Country: Republic of Korea
Dr Sunghun Cho is an Associate Research Fellow at the Department of International Trade, Investment and Economic Security, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP). He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Finance from Hanyang University, a Master’s degree in Economics, and two PhDs in Economics from Seoul National University and Stony Brook University. His expertise includes economic security issues in Europe, the secondary battery industry, and critical mineral supply chains.

Distinguished Professor, Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy, Brussels School of Governance, Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Ambassador of the European Union ret.
Country: Belgium
Professor Michael Reiterer is Distinguished Professor at the Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy (CSDS) of the Brussels School of Governance (BSoG). He is also an adjunct professor for international politics at University of Innsbruck; Webster University, Vienna; Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali “Guido Carli” (LUISS), Rome; Danube University, Krems/Austria. In addition, Prof. Dr. Michael Reiterer is a former Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Korea (2017-2020). He pursued his academic career always in parallel to his diplomatic one at the Austrian and then European service. His expertise includes EU foreign policy, EU-Asia relations, the Indo-Pacific, inter-regionalism, security issues, diplomacy and human rights. He has previously published extensively on international trade law and relations including WTO, trade and environment, and the Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM).

Professor, IIIT Delhi
Country: India
Mukesh Mohania joined IIIT Delhi as a Professor in November 2019. He served as a Dean (Innovation, Research and Development) from July 2020-June 2023 at IIIT Delhi. Prior to joining the IIITD, he has held senior technical roles in IBM Research in India and Australia. He served as a Chief Architect of IBM Watson Education. His innovations center on AI for Education, Information (structured and unstructured data) integration, and developing complex systems and applications in these areas, particularly in Education and Financial sectors. Over the course of his career, he has led a succession of successful projects that produced technology and products in use across the industry today, as well as influential and frequently cited technical work and patents. He holds 60+ granted patents and published 120+ technical papers in International Conferences and has widely participated in Industry forums. For these accomplishments, IBM recognized him as an “IBM Distinguished Engineer” (2013), “Master Inventor” (2009), “Member of IBM Academy of Technology” (2010), “Best of IBM” (2014). He has received several IBM corporate and research level awards, such as, “Excellence in People Management”, “Outstanding Innovation Award”, “Technical Accomplishment Award”, “Leadership By Doing”, and many more. He is a founding project director of DST sponsored Technology Innovation Hub (TIH) on ‘Cognitive Computing and Social Sensing’ at IIIT Delhi and received Rs100Cr (USD12M) for 2021-2025. He has held several visible positions, like ACM Distinguished Scientist (2011-), DASFAA Industrial Track co-chair (2024), VLDB Conference Organizing Chair (2016), DASFAA General- co-chair (2022), ER PC co-chair (2022), ACM India Vice-President (2015-17), ACM Distinguished Service Award Committee chair (2017-2018), Adjunct Professors/Industrial R&D board at various top universities in India and Australia, and many more, and has received IEEE Meritorious Service Award and ACM Outstanding Service Award. Currently, He is a member of the National Statistical Commission (Dec-2022 to Dec-2025).

Professor, Univeristy of Piraeus, Dept of Informatics, trustilio BV
Country: Greece
Nineta Polemi is a cybersecurity professor at the University of Piraeus in the Department of Informatics and CTO/Co-Founder of trustilio BV. She served (2017-2020) as a Programme Manager and Policy Officer in the European Commission DG (CONNECT H1 Unit entitled ‘Cybersecurity Technologies and Capabilities’). Her cybersecurity expertise includes maritime security, operational risk/conformity assessment, security management, supplychain security, threat intelligence, and AI trustworthiness. She obtained her Ph.D. from The City University of New York (Graduate Center). She held teaching and research positions at The City University of New York (Queens & Baruch Colleges), State University of New York (Farmingdale), Technical University of Denamark, and Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)-Solvay Brussels School.
Professor Polemi has authored over 150 publications in security, organized numerous scientific and policy-related international cybersecurity events and training sessions. She has received research grants from organizations like NATO and IEEE, as well as awards from NSA, MSI Army Research Office IEEE, CYNY, Hellenic Ministry of Maritime, and Hellenic National Defense General. She has participated as a Project and Technical Manager in more than 70 international, EU, and national R&D and commercial cybersecurity projects. Professor Polemi is a member of ETSI in the working groups of Cyber and AI and of the CEN/CLC/JTC 21/WG 1 and WG5 and ENISA Adhoc Working groups on cybersecurity skills, cybersecure AI, and Risk Assessment. She also serves as an external expert, reviewer, and consultant for EC, ENISA, and various SMEs.

Associate Professor, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finlan
Country: Finland
Dr. Tuomo Tuikka is lead of Data Space Solutions research at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, and Associate Professor at University of Oulu. His research focus on data space related topics, often referred as European Common Data Spaces. Dr. Tuikka is involved in many European and national research and innovation activities including big data, AI, and software and services. Especially now in Data Spaces Support Centre, a European project for trusted and interoperable data exchange. He is Data Space Task Force co-lead, and Board and Technical Board member in Big Data Value Association, VTT contact point to Gaia-X AISBL, and International Data Space Association Ambassador. He has both academic and software industry background with business experience from Finland, Denmark, USA, and Japan. Dr. Tuikka has PhD in Information Systems Science from 2002.

Professor IT Law / Head of Unit, KU Leuven Centre for IT & IP Law (CiTiP)
Country: Belgium
Jan De Bruyne is professor IT law at the KU Leuven and head of the Centre for IT & IP Law. He teaches several courses on law and technology, and is the Principal Investigator (PI) of many projects dealing with the legal and ethical aspects of technology. He has numerous publications in academic journals and books, and is the editor of the book “Artificial Intelligence and the Law” (Intersentia, 2022). He is a member of Leuven.AI, the Robotics and AI Legal Society (RAILS) and Ethical and Trustworthy Artificial and Machine Intelligence (ETAMI) as well as of different other academic institutions. He was also involved in the adoption of the UNESCO Recommendation on Ethical AI and has been acting as an expert for several national and supranational institutions. Jan De Bruyne is a regular speaker at/organizer of conferences and seminars.

Policy advisor and consultant, Martel Innovate
Country: Switzerland
Karolina was born and raised in the Czech Republic, where she studied International Relations, Diplomacy and European Law. She has dedicated her professional life to analyzing and sometimes influencing EU regulation, mainly focusing on digital policy. She continues to do so even after moving to Switzerland through consulting on EU projects.

Director, Global Coordination Division, JPCERT, Senior researcher, Keio Research Institute
Country: Japan
Dr Koichiro Komiyama is the Director of the Global Coordination Division at the Coordination Centre of the Japanese Computer Emergency Response Team (JPCERT/CC). He has also been been a visiting scholar at Keio University’s Global Research Institute (KGRI) since 2016, and the Deputy Chair of the Research Advisory Group at the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace (GCSC) since 2017. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Aoyama Gakuin University, and a PhD from Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance. His research interests include phishing, insider threats, and targeted attacks.

Fellow, Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore
Country: Singapore
Dr Karthik Nachiappan is a Research Fellow at the Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore. He previously worked for the Global Issues Team at UNDP China in Beijing and the Centre on Asia and Globalisation at the National University of Singapore. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Public Policy and Politics from the University of Toronto, and a PhD in South Asian Studies from King’s College London. His areas of expertise include Indian Foreign Policy, India’s Technology Policy, India’s Political Economy of Development and International Political Economy. More specifically, his research focuses on India’s Geoeconomics, how issues like trade, technology, and climate change affect Indian foreign policy.

Senior research fellow, Institute for National Security Strategy
Country: Republic of Korea
Dr So Jeong Kim is a director of emerging security studies and a senior research fellow of the Institute for National Security Strategy (INSS). She advises the science and technology field of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a full-time INSS employee. She is also an adviser to the Korea-U.S. Cyber Security Working Group. Before joining INSS, she worked at the National Security Research Institute, South Korea’s government-funded research institution, from 2004 to February 2022 as team lead. Dr. Kim has spent 20 years working at the intersection of technology and policy issues of cybersecurity. SDr. Kim has authored or coauthored various publications, including articles, reports, and academic papers. Her recent academic paper is about the evaluation of cyberattack severity and proposes a national response matrix. She has also recently contributed to papers for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the EU Institute for Security Studies. Dr. Kim received her PhD in engineering from the Graduate School of Information Security of Korea University in 2005. She earned a master’s degree in political science and a bachelor’s degree in history.

Professor, Sejong University
Country: Republic of Korea
Prof. JaeSeung Song is a full professor in the Department of Computer & Information Security Sejong University. He holds the position of Technical Plenary Vice Chair of the oneM2M global IoT standards initiative. He is also a visiting professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia (UBC) since 2019. Prior to his current position, he worked for NEC Europe Ltd. and LG Electronics in various positions. He received a Ph.D. at Imperial College London in the Department of Computing, United Kingdom. He holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in computer science from Sogang University. His research interests span the areas of beyond 5G and 6G, AI/ML enabled network systems, software engineering, networked systems and security, with focus on the design and engineering of reliable and intelligent IoT/M2M platforms.

Country: France
Dr Franck Le Gall is CEO at EGM, an innovative SME focused on integration and validation of emerging technologies. He is driving company development to deploy data technologies over vertical markets (water, agriculture, smart territories, environment, etc.). He involves himself in standardisation area including ETSI where he is chair of the ETSI ISG-CIM working group on NGSI-LD. He is also elected member of the FIWARE Technical Steering Committee (TSC). Finally, he co-chairs the Intelligent Smart System (I2S) working group of the ICT4Water European research cluster and got elected as chairman of the FIWARE water domain committee. He continuously contributes and drives several projects for public and private customers.

Founder, IoT Council
Country: Belgium
Rob has been involved in many capacities in the #IoT space for the past 25 years. He founded a loose network of experts called IoT Council and the IoTDay which this year has its fifteenth anniversary. His most recent publication New forms of Governance for a Hybrid Reality has been accepted by Springer and will be out soon.

Vice President, Business Development, FIWARE Foundation
Country: Switzerland
Chandra Challagonda, VP of Business Development at FIWARE Foundation, is a tech executive with over 20 years in digital ecosystems, smart cities, and AI governance. He advances data space development and has impacted EU projects like DSSC, DS4SSCC, and OpenDEI, shaping data-sharing frameworks for security and interoperability. As the founder of Sampo Software, his leadership led to a Microsoft acquisition, marking a career milestone. He also founded APInf Oy, which was acquired by Contrasec Oy. Challagonda’s work in OpenDEI and DS4SSCC focuses on data spaces for smart cities and compliance with GDPR. He also contributes to forums like AI for Developing Countries at the UN, promoting ethical AI and inclusive growth.

General Manager, K-water (Korea Water Resources Corporation)
Country: Republic of Korea
Dr. Park has been trained and has practiced as an urban hydrologist, urban planner, and urban engineer. He received a Ph.D. in Urban Engineering from Chungbuk National University. He also taught at Chungbuk National University as a Teaching Fellow in Korea for many years. He joined K-water in 2016 as a principal researcher and is involved in the design of Busan Eco Delta City and Busan Eco Delta Smart City in South Korea. He is also contributing to K-water’s future-proof city strategy and implementation plan. Dr. Park provides professional consultation for central and local governments in the areas of urban development and digital transformation for smart cities. In particular, he has comprehensive expertise in the practical aspects of digital twins and data platforms for cities. Currently, as the Head of NexGen Cities Center at K-water, he is working with the Ministry of Environment to promote the expansion of carbon-neutral cities in Korea. In addition, he is dedicated to fostering urban water circulation from an urban-architectural integrated planning and to creating a smart city industrial ecosystem based on public-private partnerships.

Executive board, Trialog
Country: France
Co-founder of Trialog, he was CTO until 2018, and CEO until 2024, Antonio is now member of the executive board, focusing on strategy, innovation and knowledge management. He has been active since 2015 on standardisation as well as on standardisation strategy. Antonio has initiated the development of more than twenty standards on architecture, interoperability, conformity in domains such as the internet of things, digital twins, security and privacy or artificial intelligence. Antonio graduated from Harvard university and École Centrale de Paris.

CEO, Purple Hackademy
Country: Republic of Korea
Julien Provenzano, a cybersecurity certified expert (ISO 27001, MCSE), has nearly 20 years of experience in roles such as system administrator, IT architect, Microsoft Certified Trainer, and security workpackage manager at Airbus.
Based in Seoul since 2018, he is the founder and CEO of Purple Hackademy, a cyber training platform for professionals, and RALFKAIROS, where he assists clients in finance, luxury, telecommunications, and defense industries with cybersecurity needs.
Julien mentors Korean cyber talents through a Korean research institute KITRI’s “Best of the Best” program, He has represented France at international forums like the G20, and serves as a Counselor for French citizens in South Korea and Taiwan.
He also manages a LinkedIn community of 36,000 cybersecurity professionals and organizes international events like the Finance & Industry Cybersecurity Congress Asia.

Osaka Jogakuin University
Country: Japan
Steve McCarty was born in Boston and became a full Professor in Japan. He currently teaches Intercultural Communication at Osaka Jogakuin University. From 2004-2024 he lectured for the Japanese government foreign aid agency JICA, introducing Japanese People and Society to visiting officials and graduate students from around the world. At Kansai University from 2015-2020 he taught ICT to mixed international and domestic students, and held a unique Global Faculty Development position. In 1998 he founded the NPO World Association for Online Education. His CV lists more than 250 publications, plus presentations on over 100 different topics (including nine international conference keynote addresses), with over 600 citations recognized by Google Scholar. His work spans online education, language teaching with technology, bilingualism, Japan, Asia, and professional development for teachers.

CEO, Martel Innovate & President, Digital for Planet
Country: Switzerland
Dr Monique is the CEO of Martel Innovate, the President of the non-profit Digital for Planet, and the Director of the Next Generation Internet Outreach Office, acting as advisor for several bodies, including the European Commission and the InnoSuisse agency.Monique is a passionate entrepreneur and ICT expert with consolidated experience in the definition and implementation of research and innovation strategies, and in the development of open and sustainable technologies. With a strong technical profile, she has been coordinating several Horizon Europe projects, contributing to develop research agendas and strategic roadmaps, monitor and elaborate on policy-driven efforts and community engagement. She has coordinated the European Digital Enhanced Learning for All project and has been involved in the Digital Europe LeADS project at work on advanced digital skills development. Monique holds a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne and a PhD in Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Bologna.

Director, Research and Innovation Partnerships,G.A.C. Group
Country: France
Dr Svetlana Klessova, Director, Research and Innovation Partnerships at G.A.C. Group, France, is INPACE Project coordinator. She holds a PhD in innovation management and has 25+ years of experience in international collaboration in science, technology and innovation. Svetlana had leading roles in over 50 projects on world-wide level, especially in the USA, Asia, India, Europe, and the Mediterranean region. She has coordinated more than dozen multi-million European and international projects with industrial and academic partners developing innovative technologies, methods and tools, especially in energy efficiency, digital and environmental sectors. She has worked with policymakers to create environments that foster innovation, including support mechanisms for startups and research initiatives. She also contributed to the development of policies and practices that enhance collaboration and innovation across Europe and beyond – her expertise in managing large, multi-stakeholder projects has been particularly valuable in this context. Her academic papers received awards at international scientific conferences. In addition, Svetlana is experienced fundraiser and business development specialist. She is elected president of ENRICH GLOBAL, non-for-profit international association with motto “Taking European Innovation Global, and vice versa”

Associate Professor, Gachon University
Country: Republic of Korea
Hocheon Yoo received the B.S. degree in electronic engineering from Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea, in 2014, and the Ph.D. degree from POSTECH, Pohang, South Korea, in 2018. In 2019, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher with Northwestern University Materials Research Center, Evanston, IL, USA. He is currently an Associate Professor of electronic engineering and a director of BK21 System Semiconductor Research Center at Gachon University, Seongnam, Republic of Korea. His current research interests include new semiconductor materials, 3D-integration, neuromorphic devices, security devices, thin-film circuits, and sensors for healthcare and biomedical applications.

Associate Professor, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
Country: Republic of Korea
Je-Hyung Kim received his Ph.D. in Physics at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea, in 2014. He was a postdoc researcher at the University of Maryland from 2014 to 2017. Since 2017, he has joined the Department of Physics at the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), South Korea, and is now an associate professor at UNIST.
His group’s major research topics range from fundamental studies of quantum light-matter interactions with solid-state quantum emitters to the development of advanced quantum photonic/spin resources and their applications in quantum information technologies.

Assistant Professor, Sogang University
Country: Republic of Korea
Prof. Joon-Kyu Han is Assistant Professor in System Semiconductor Engineering and Department of Electronic Engineering at Sogang University. His research focuses on (1) neuromorphic device & system, (2) nano CMOS for logic & memory, and (3) 3D integration. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from Korea Advanced Science and Technology (KAIST) in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. He obtained his Master’s and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at the KAIST in 2019 and 2023, respectively. He was a postdoctoral researcher at Seoul National University and visiting scholar at Harvard University from 2023 to 2024. He received Ph.D. Dissertation Award at KAIST College of Engineering and Excellent Paper Awards from Samsung Electronics in 2021 and 2022.

Professor, University of Tokyo
Country: Japan
Ken Uchida received Ph.D. degrees in applied physics from the University of Tokyo. In 1995, he joined the Research and Development Center, Toshiba Corporation, Japan. In Toshiba, he studied device physics and carrier transport in nanoscale devices. In 2008, he moved to academia and worked for Tokyo Institute of Technology as an associate professor and Keio University as a professor. In 2018, he moved to The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, as a professor, where he has worked on low-energy sensors, device physics of cryo-CMOS devices for quantum computing, and advanced 3D FETs.

Senior Research Fellow, Tohoku University
Country: Japan
He received Ph.D. degrees from Tohoku University in 1974 and then joined Hitachi where he invented a stacked capacitor memory device which has been widely used in the DRAM production. In 1985, he joined the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. In 1988 he joined Hiroshima University where he proposed 3D integration technology based on wafer-to-wafer bonding and TSV for the first time in 1989. In 1994, he returned to Tohoku University as a professor where his interests have been 3D integration, optical interconnection, nano-CMOS device, retinal prosthesis chip and neural prosthesis AI chip. He was awarded IEEE Nishizawa Medal, IEEE Cledo Brunetti Award, IEEE Rao Tummala (EPS) Award. He was also awarded the National Medal Order of the Sacred Treasure, the National Medal with Purple Ribbon, the Award of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan. He is an IEEE life fellow.

Chair of the Steering Board, NetworldEurope European Technology Platform
Country: Portugal
Prof. Rui L. Aguiar, Chair of the Steering Board of the NetworldEurope European Technology Platform, has been involved in research and strategic research management since 1988, having been involved (in multiple positions) in all European-funded framework programs. He was involved in the development of the NetworldEurope initiative, and the launch of the European 5G Public Private Partnership programme. He has been an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer on 5G in the last years, and has several hundred papers on communication networks and services. He is also the co-chair of the Networks and Multimedia area at Instituto de Telecomunicações, a Portuguese state-associated laboratory, and a Full Professor at Universidade de Aveiro.

Progamme Manager, Eurescom
Country: Germany
Adam Kapovits is Progamme Manager at Eurescom GmbH. He was involved and supported the European 5G Public Private Partnership and led the Internet of Radio Light project of the programme, and initiated the 6G BRAINS project. Adam currently leads the OPTI-6G project within the European Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking. Notably, Adam is also active regarding the convergence of terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks in the 5G/6G context and has led and leads several projects for the European Space Agency. Adam is the co-author of several papers on 5G and 6G topics, and the co-organiser of a series of workshops in collaboration with the European Space Agency.

Professor of Process Operations, TU Dortmund, & ENRICH GLOBAL
Country: Germany
Sebastian Engell is Professor of Process Operations in the Department of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering at TU Dortmund. He has collaborated extensively with industry in EU-funded and national projects, recently e.g. in the German project KEEN that investigated the application of artificial intelligence technologies and methods in the process industry and evaluated their technical, economical, and social potential.

Professor, Aato University
Country: Finland
Prof. Dr. Iiro Harjunkoski, Aalto University, Finland and Hitachi Energy Research. Iiro Harjunkoski is a worldwide leader in the application of mixed-integer programming in industry. He worked for ABB and then Hitachi Energy in Germany before joining Aato University in 2024, maintaining his ties to Hitachi Energy. He will speak on possible applications of AI in the operation of power grids.

Group Leader for Operational Excellence, Bayer AG & Honorary Professor, TU Dortmund
Country: Germany
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Krämer, Bayer AG, Leverkusen is Group Leader for Operational Excellence at Bayer AG and Honorary Professor at TU Dortmund. He will speak about experiences with the application of AI in the chemical industry.

Director of the Social Robotics Lab, Interactive Digital Media Institute, and Supervisor of Edutainment Robotics Lab, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore
Country: Singapore
Prof. Dr. Shuzhi Sam Ge is the Director of the Social Robotics Lab, Interactive Digital Media Institute, and Supervisor of Edutainment Robotics Lab, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National University of Singapore. He will speak about the application of AI in robotics.

Professor, IIT Guwahati
Country: India
Prof. Sentilmurugan Subbiah is Professor in Chemical Engineering and Chairperson of the Technology Incubator at IIT Guwahati, India. Prior to joining IITG, Dr. Senthilmurugan worked at ABB India, Eureka Forbes and Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research. He will speak about the application of AI in the process industries.

Former Director, Indira Gandhi, National Open University
Country: India
Dr. Ramesh Sharma isrecognized as an expert inopen, distance, and technology-mediated learning. Hisacademic roles have includedbeing a Regional Director ofIndira Gandhi National OpenUniversity, India; and Directorof Distance Education at theUniversity of Guyana in SouthAmerica. He has served on theAdvisory Group on HumanResources Development for theUnited Nations Conference onTrade and Development(UNCTAD), Geneva,Switzerland. During his tenureat the University of Guyana, hecollaborated with the UNDP onits Enhanced Public Trust,Security, and Inclusion(EPTSI) project, as well as with Volunteer ServiceOverseas (VSO) and the UnitedNations Volunteers (UNV) todevelop educationalopportunities for communitiesand youth.

Chief Development Officer , ALL Digital
Claudia joined ALL DIGITAL in March 2021. Before, she worked as a researcher, project manager and lecturer at universities in the UK and Italy and for public and networking organisations in the Netherlands. Her background is within the contemporary arts carrying out research in the fields of Creative and Cultural Industries, Entrepreneurship, Education and E-learning, Digital Competencies and Gaming.
She had been one of the pioneers of mobile gaming development running an indie game company focused on educational games to raise awareness on topics with a social impact for youngsters or adults.
She holds a PhD in Contemporary History of Art investigating the economical and cultural relationships between the Arts and the Economy. She speaks Italian and French.

Head of Digital Ecosystems, IONOS
Country: Germany
Leading the strategy and execution of smart solutions research projects that leverage cutting-edge technologies and trends, in particular Cloud, Data, and AI. Over 20 years of experience in the field of digital ecosystems and smart solutions, involving areas such as communication networks, data-ecosystems, cloud, IoT, AI, and Natural Language Processing

Senior Innovation Consultant, Martel Innovate
Country: Switzerland
With a background in Computer Engineering, he works across technology and project management and has been active in research and innovation projects for almost a decade. In Martel he is involved in the CloudEdgeIoT initiative (H-Cloud and Hub4Cloud projects), the ongoing NexusForum.EU project and several other initiatives on IoT, Cloud, Data Sharing, Cybersecurity, 5G, AI, Media, Accessibility and Virtual Words.

Head of CMOS++ and EU Programmes, Tyndall
Country: Ireland
Giorgos Fagas PhD MBA is Head of CMOS++ and EU Programmes at Tyndall, and member of Tyndall’s Leadership Team. CMOS++ is a strategic programme addressing emerging materials, devices and architectures for next-generation information processing interfacing with CMOS and beyond. He is contributor to key international strategic R&I agendas incl. the ECS-SRIA and IRDS and has initiated several large-scale EU projects. He currently leads the EU-funded programmes for open access to infrastructure for early-stage research on nanoelectronics and semiconductor chips, respectively, ASCENT+ and INFRACHIP, and the ICOS project activity on Technology Scanning and Foresight. Giorgos holds prominent positions in various policy and industry groups including Director of the SiNANO Institute.