March 31- April 7, 2025
Tokyo, Japan
The EU-Japan Digital Week is organised as part of the EU-Japan Digital Partnership
The EU-Japan Digital Week will bring together stakeholders from the EU and Japan to focus on key priority areas for both the EU and Japan: 6G, Data Spaces, Smart Connectivity and Computing and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI). A policy workshop will also be organised in close consultation with the Delegation of the European Union to Japan to ensure that it reflects the shared priority of both regions and aligns with the strategic objectives of the EU-Japan Digital Partnership.
The EU-Japan Digital Week has been built around the EU-Japan Digital Skills Workshop, following a request from the Delegation of the European Union to Japan. The workshop on Data Spaces will operate under the umbrella of the Delegation of the European Union to Japan and will contribute to the aim of promoting interoperability among EU and Japan data spaces as agreed at the second Digital Partnership Council. This workshop has been designed in a way to create a clear pathway towards and to facilitate industry data space pilots.
By fostering dialogue on these critical themes, the EU-Japan Digital Week contributes to a more connected, innovative, and sustainable future for both regions.
- Language of the events: English
The EU-Japan Digital Week will bring together representatives from academia, research, industry, business and policymaking, mainly from Japan and the European Union, but also from other Indo-Pacific countries.
How to attend
Registration coming soon! Register here to be informed when the registration opens.
- Attendance is free, but advance registration is required.
General contact
For inquiries: [email protected]
Monday March 31
“Smart Connectivity and Computing” Workshop
“Smart Connectivity and Computing” Workshop
09:00-17:30 local time
- Organiser

- Co-organiser

Prof. Kiyoshi Murata
Meiji University
- Objectives
The Smart Connectivity and Computing Workshop aims to bridge the gap between the European Union and Japan in the fields of cloud-edge computing and smart connectivity. This one-day, in-person event will bring together industry leaders, researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders to discuss the current landscape, share best practices, and explore collaboration opportunities in open-source technologies, industry verticals, and cross-cutting topics.
- Target audience
Cloud Edge IoT experts and stakeholders, c.a. 150-200 attendees expected.
- Expected outcomes
Identify and exploit new or existing collaboration opportunities in Cloud Edge IoT between partners from EU and Japan, removing barriers and filling the gaps.
Opening Remarks
- Welcome address by Meiji University representative
Dr. Andrew Adams - Introduction by NexusForum.EU Coordinator
Sachiko Muto, Senior Researcher, RISE
Keynote Address
- Topic: “The Future of EU-Japan Collaboration in Smart Connectivity”
Session 1: Innovations in Japan’s Cloud-Edge Landscape
Dr. Giacomo Inches, Senior Innovation Consultant, Martel Innovate
Presentations on latest developments and best practices in industries and academia, with a particular emphasis on the Japanese market, emphasizing the role of open-source technologies.
Session 2: Advancing Cloud-Edge Computing Through Cross-Cutting Innovations
Dr. Monique Calisti, CEO, Martel Innovate
Objective: Expert panel discussion on cross-cutting research topics and innovations that transcend specific industries, with an emphasis on open-source initiatives and collaborative efforts.
- Yuki Nobekawa, COO of Japan Data Exchange
- Koki Mitani, Senior Research Engineer of NTT
Session 3: Shaping the Future – NexusForum.EU Roadmap Presentation
- Chiara Zincone, EU Digital Policy Analyst, OpenNebula Systems
- Thomas Ohlson Timoudas, Researcher at RISE
Objective: To present the NexusForum.EU roadmap, disseminate its key objectives, and gather valuable feedback from participants. This session also aims to recruit interested parties for future Working Groups focusing on EU-Japan and EU-ROK collaborations as well as public consultations.
Sachiko Muto, Senior Researcher, RISE
Objective: To highlight the existing policies, initiatives, and funding mechanisms that support and foster collaborations between the EU and Japan in the field of cloud-edge computing and smart connectivity via panel discussion.
- Dr. Monique Calisti, CEO, Martel Innovate
- Dr. Raluca Csernatoni, Professor, Centre for Security, Diplomacy, and Strategy, Brussels School of Governance, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Tuesday April 1
6G Horizons: Synergies for a Connected Future” Workshop
6G Horizons: Synergies for a Connected Future” Workshop
09:00-17:30 local time
- Organiser

Adam Kapovits
Eurescom, Germany
- Co-Organiser

Prof. Akihiro Nakao
ASPIRE, Japan (funded by the Ministry of Education)
- Venue
The University of Tokyo
- Objectives
The 6G Workshop aims at fostering and deepening collaboration and partnership between the EU and Japan (and other Indo-Pacific countries) regarding 6G development.
- Target audience
6G experts, mostly from Japan. 120 participants are expected.
- Expected outcomes
The big question – and the ambition of the workshop – should be to explore whether we are correctly perceiving and assessing, and subsequently addressing and responding to the major trends, social and business needs from a broad set of industries in the 6G research and development, considering the rapidly unfolding disruptive trends such as generative AI.
Presentations / report from ongoing collaboration activities
- Presentation from 6G IA – Dr Colin Willcock, chairman of the 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association Governing Board
- Presentation from SNS JU 6G MIRAI (from the EU-JP call) – Ericsson Research Japan
- Japanese projects ASPIRE and HARMONY
- SNS JU 6G ARROW (from the EU-ROK call) – professor Emilio Calvanese–Strinati (CEA-LETI, France)
- Survey of the Japan-German collaboration projects, Dr Kentaro Ishizu, NICT
- Some highlights from Japan-German collaboration projects
Contributions from industry, challenges for 6G as perceived by industry, also presenting opportunities for joint investigation and solution
- Collaboration opportunities regarding non-terrestrial networks between Japan and Europe – ESA
- Results from the European SNS JU research project 6G-NTN – professor Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli, ALMA MATER STUDIORUM – Università di Bologna
- Developing a Holistic Sustainability Framework for Future Communication Systems – SUSTAIN-6G, the European sustainability lighthouse project – Dr Alessandro Bassi, Eurescom GmbH
- 6G standardisation challenges from a Japanese perspective
- Core network and architecture issues and challenges (Dr. Ing. Marius Corici, Fraunhofer FOKUS)
- European industry views regarding 6G challenges
- Japanese industry presentations, both from technology and solution providers, but also from industries using and relying on 6G
Pre-6G demo plans, what Europe can learn from Japan and the Republic of Korea, best practices
- Research infrastructures for joint collaboration
- Pre-6G demo plans concerning the Osaka expo
- Korean presentation regarding the pre-6G demo plans for 2026
- Panel discussion regarding what Europe can learn from Japanese (and Korean) approaches towards 6G R&D

Wednesday April 2
Closed-door Policy Workshop: “The EU – Japan Digital Partnership: Going Forward”
Closed-door Policy Workshop: “The EU – Japan Digital Partnership: Going Forward”
09:00-14:00 local time
- Co-organisers

Centre for Security, Diplomacy, and Strategy (CSDS), Belgium

Institute for Geoeconomics (IOG), Japan
- Venue
The International House of Japan (IHJ), Japan
- Co-Organiser

Dr. Eva Pejsova
Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy (CSDS), Belgium
- Co-Organiser
- Venue
The International House of Japan (IHJ), Japan
- Objectives
- ‘Drivers of Technological Innovation, Economic Security, and Sovereignty’: How can the EU and Japan sustain their technological edge and sovereignty amidst the intensifying strategic competition between the United States and China?
- ‘Emerging Technologies and Security Cooperation’: What role do dual use emerging and disruptive technologies play in shaping EU and Japan’s evolving security postures and bilateral cooperation?
- ‘Domestic Challenges and Policy Coordination’: What domestic priorities and challenges must be addressed to advance technological collaboration and digital connectivity?
- ‘Promoting Global Governance’: How can the EU and Japan champion responsible, human-centred, and sustainable global governance frameworks bilaterally and within existing multilateral frameworks?
- Target audience
This event will convene a balanced group of 30 to 40 representatives from the EU and Japan, including policymakers, academia, think tank experts, and industry leaders. The multistakeholder representation ensures diverse perspectives and practical insights into advancing digital cooperation and innovation.
- Expected outcomes
The workshop will produce policy recommendations that emphasise the removal of political, regulatory, and technological barriers, reinforce multistakeholder engagement between the two partners, and promote responsible, human-centred global governance of digital emerging and disruptive technologies (EDTs). These recommendations will serve as a roadmap for enhancing EU-Japan digital cooperation moving forward.
Opening Remarks
- Keynote Address
- Panel I: Towards policy alignment in emerging and new technologies: AI, Quantum, Advanced Semiconductors
- Panel II: From space to under the sea: critical digital infrastructure for sustainable global connectivity
Around 10 to 15 speakers will contribute across the keynote sessions and the two roundtable panels. Speakers will include high-level representatives from the EU and Japanese research institutions, government agencies, think tanks, and industry leaders. Final speaker confirmations will be shared closer to the event date.
Thursday April 3 & Friday April 4
“Data Spaces – or the Story How to Make Business from Data in a Legal Fashion” Workshop
“Data Spaces – or the Story How to Make Business from Data in a Legal Fashion” Workshop
09:00-18:30 local time
- Organiser

Dr. Antonis Ramfos
Athens Technology Center, Greece
- Host
Delegation of the European Union to Japan
- Objectives
The objectives of the workshop are to introduce participants to the concept of data spaces, their architecture, stakeholders, and role in digital transformation, with a focus on addressing interoperability challenges. It aims to explore business models for data spaces, highlighting best practices and successful case studies. The workshop will discuss regulatory and ethical considerations for data sharing, emphasizing trust, standardization, and governance of data flows between EU and Japanese data spaces. It will also provide practical guidance on interoperability, encouraging joint EU-Japan pilot projects. Finally, the workshop seeks to foster EU-Japan collaboration and facilitate cross-border networking among industry, manufacturing, and technology leaders.
- Target audience
The target audience includes industry leaders, decision-makers, data scientists, IT professionals, business strategists, consultants, regulatory officers, academics, researchers, and government officials from the EU and Japan. Key participants also include representatives from initiatives and projects like Catena-X, Manufacturing-X, AgDataHub, and Green Deal Data Space, as well as organizations such as IDSA, GAIA-X, DSA, DSSC, RRI, IPA, and JEITA. The event aims to attract 200 registrations with an expected attendance of 130.
- Expected outcomes
The expected outcomes include an enhanced understanding of data spaces and their implementation, knowledge of business models in the EU and Japan, and awareness of regulatory and standards considerations for data sharing. Participants will gain insights from demonstrations of implemented data spaces and practical guidance on establishing joint data spaces within organizations. Additionally, the workshop aims to scope pilot projects and foster cross-border collaboration and networking among data space stakeholders.
In the era of digital transformation, the efficient and secure sharing of data is critical for innovation, competitiveness and fostering a circular economy. Data spaces provide a robust legal and technical framework for such data sharing, enabling organisations to leverage data for strategic advantage and improved decision-making.
Opening Remarks and Workshop Overview
- Ambassador of the EU to Japan
Keynote Speech: The Role of Data Spaces in the Digital and Circular Economy
Session 1: Introduction to Data Spaces with a joint EU-Japan approach
- Definition, architecture, cybersecurity, components and examples (technical, business, governance, stakeholders)
- Presentation of the the reference architecture – Data Spaces Support Centre (DSSC)
- Introducing EU and Japanese Data Spaces in domains relative to the Digital Partnership
Demonstration Session: Hands-on demonstration session of a practical implementation of a data space by a company
Session 2: Business Models in Data Spaces
- Overview of Different Business Models. Which roles and expertise are needed? Which business sectors are promising lead innovators?
- Case Studies of Successful Business Models from the EU and Japan
- Revenue Generation and Value Creation
Session 3: Regulatory Landscape for Data Flow with Trust
- The EU Data Strategy with a focus on Data Governance Act and Data Act. Implementation services (intermediate services, data altruism organisations)
- Japanese Data Strategy
- Differences and similarities between the EU and Japan
- Data Sharing Practices
- Risk Management
- Standardisation
Regulatory Landscape for the specific UCs
Cooking with Ulrich – A recipe for how to get started and make data spaces a success”
by Ulrich Ahle, CEO of GAIA-X Focus on interoperability of Data Spaces
by Ulrich Ahle, CEO of GAIA-X Focus on interoperability of Data Spaces
Session 4: Challenges of Selected Joint Data Spaces between Europe and Japan: (DSSC, FIWARE, SIEMENS, JBCE/OURANOS)
- Technological Requirements and Solutions
- Cybersecurity and Data Spaces
- Standardisation
- Open Source and reuse of components in times of SBOMs
- Organisational Readiness and Change Management
Services fostering data flow with trust
Panel Discussion: Opportunities for Joint Data Spaces: how to incentivize data sharing among companies and stakeholders in complex value chains?
- Potential joint pilot projects proposed by EU and Japan Data Spaces projects
- Panellists (project representatives) from the EU and Japan
Interactive Workshop: Designing a joint EU-Japan Data Space pilot project: a joint approach by design. Rapid Prototyping (Design Thinking) or Serious play as method?
- Group activity and case study analysis
- Presentation of Group findings
- Follow-up actions
Future Trends and Innovations in Data Spaces
by Tuomo Tuikka, Technical Board Member of the Big Data Value Association (BDVA)
- What will the future look like?
- Moderated discussion with the audience to collect views and predictions.
The workshop will feature a lineup of experienced professionals and experts in data management, business strategy, digital transformation, and regulatory compliance from both the EU and Japan.
Monday April 7
“Critical Applications of AI in Industry, Healthcare and Other Sectors” Workshop
“Critical Applications of AI in Industry, Healthcare and Other Sectors” Workshop
10:00-17:30 local time
- Organiser

Prof. Sebastian Engell
TU Dortmund (Germany) and ENRICH Global (France)
- Co-Organiser

Prof. Iiro Harjunkoski
Aalto University (Finland) and Hitachi Energy (Japan)
- Host
- Objectives
To exchange on good practices and challenges in the development of critical AI applications where the reliable correct function is of predominant importance.
- Target audience
Developers of AI solutions, methods and tools in areas as industrial production, robotics, cars, trains, healthcare systems
- Expected outcomes
Understanding of the state of the art and open issues, triggering collaborations, input to shaping future funding programs in Europe and Japan

The EU-Japan Digital Week is an initiative under the EU-Japan Digital Partnership and is supported by the following projects and organisations