Please briefly introduce your organization.
The SINANO Institute is the European Academic & Scientific Association for Nanoelectronics, acting as a network of excellence connecting the European Research and Academic community in semiconductor science and technologies.
The SiNANO Institute is also organizing international Workshops/Conferences to develop high competence levels in Europe, and to drive roadmap definition. In this context, SiNANO is the European representative of IRDS “International Roadmap for Devices sand Systems”. SiNANO plays an important role in structuring EU programs and nurturing synergies in the European ecosystem. In collaboration with Research Institutes and Industry, SiNANO strengthens the overall innovation efficiency of the European research in Nanoelectronics.
What is your organization’s role in the project? What unique contribution does it bring to the team?
SINANO is co-leading cluster 4 dedicated to «Enabling technologies – Chips for the future» with CNRS. This Cluster contains 3 Thematic Working Groups on Advanced Computing, Advanced Functionalities and Ground-breaking technologies.
How do you think INPACE will contribute to the digital landscape in the EU and Asia?
INPACE will contribute to the digital landscape with the following activities:
• Reinforcing international collaboration, exchanges, experiences and best practices in the field
• Advancing skills for the semiconductor industry
• Strengthening research and development
• Promoting semiconductor manufacturing
• Resilience of the semiconductor value chain (materials, technologies, R&D…)
• Speeding up technological innovation and developing the semiconductor ecosystem
How can the EU and Asia strategically collaborate to forge impactful partnerships that foster innovation in the digital space on a global scale?
The strategic collaboration between EU and Indo/Pacific will lead to:
• Long term Research and Development International Cooperation
• Strengthening of EU and Indo/Pacific technologies and industries
• Attraction of students and researchers
• Resilience of the value chains
• Crisis management